“The cosmic philosophy”

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is known all over the world as one of the founding fathers of astronautics who developed the theory of airship and rocketry. These works are well-known all over the world.
But there is a great part of Tsiolkovsky‘s heritage which few people know about. Using scientific methods, the scientist worked out a doctrine regarding the Universe and the place of the Humankind in it.
More than 250 works in Russian can be found in the section “Научное наследие” (“Scientific Heritage”) of this website. Some of the articles are published in Russian for the first time, as the Project team recognized and translated them into text format from digitized archival images of previously never published manuscripts and typewriters authored by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
Unfortunately, extremely few philosophical works by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky have been translated into English.
The main goal of the Project is to make the philosophical works of the great scientist and visionary Konstantin Tsiolkovsky publicly available, free of charge for a wide range of readers with the possibility to read them on any type of computers and mobile devices. This is an attempt to break the “conspiracy of silence” around the philosophy of the great space visionary and give it a “second life”.
The participants of the Project believe that the results of research and the fruits of the great scientist’s thoughts should be available to everyone absolutely free of charge.
All the works of the great visionary are in the form of e-books in PDF format, which allows readers to study them from any computer or mobile device.
You can help us re-energize these priceless works. Share information about them with your friends, spread information about the project in the Internet.
(Foreword from the creators of the tsiolkovsky.org Project)
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Articles about the Universe and the place of the Humankind in it
Attention! E-books placed on the site can be used only for familiarization for personal purposes. Their use for business purposes is prohibited!
Beings of Different Evolutionary Stages of the Universe
Creatures of Higher Levels of Development Than Humans
1932 (1977)
Planets are Inhabited by Living Creatures
1932 (1977)
Doubtfulness of Any Philosophy
Selected Works (Second Edition). Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Moscow, Nauka, 2006
The Call of the Cosmos
(Путь к звездам. Сборник произведений)
Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1960
The Path to The Stars
(Путь к звездам. Сборник произведений)
Foreign Technology Division, 1966
Collected Works of K.E.Tsiokovskiy, Volume II, “Reactive Flying Machines”
Academy of Sciences USSR, 1948
Collected Works of K.E.Tsiokovskiy, Volume II, “Reactive Flying Machines”
Academy of Sciences USSR, 1954. NASA TT F-237, 1965, pp. 72-117.
Pioneers of Rocket Technology Selected Works.
Academy of Science of the USSR, «Nauka», Moscow, 1964, pp. 1-20; 501-669
Works on rocket technology by K.E.Tsiolkovskiy. NASA technical translation
Publishing House of the Defense Industry, Moscow, 1947
A selections of works
Collections of works
Books, articles and posters about Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Citizen of the Universe. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky`s cosmic philosophy and science fiction
Piotr Klafkowski, 2017
K.E.Tsiolkovskii. Life, Writings, and Rockets.
N.A.Rynin, Leningrad, 1931. Translated from Russian in 1971
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the occult roots of Soviet space travel.
Michael Hagemeister
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Founder of rocketry, cosmonautics and theory of interplanetary flight
Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1963
Do you want to get acquainted with the results of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky’s research?
In the “Scientific Heritage” section of the site you can read some articles by Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky translated into English and download them in PDF format for free.
In the section “Научное наследие” you can read most of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky’s works in original Russian and download them for free in PDF format.
Enjoy reading!